2018-2021 | 26 Bilder
Much in the work of Albrecht Gehse appears in hindsight as an approach towards his project “WELTFIGUREN”. With this cycle he writes his autobiography in images – portraits with suggestive expression. And once again we can witness – as ever in his work – the creation of myths.
(Michael Hametner)
Hold tight (Frida Kahlo Joseph Beuys)
240 / 260
German listeners (Thomas Mann)
100 / 70
Nocturnal silence (Romy Schneider)
120 / 100
At the bottom (Ernest Hemingway)
160 / 200
End of the speed
180 x 300
The promise (John F. Kennedy II)
180 / 140
Embers (Marlene Dietrich)
100 / 130
The fish, the boat and the woman (Marilyn Monroe)
120 / 100
At the window (Claudia Schiffer Karl Lagerfeld)
100 / 80
Great cinema (Charlie Chaplin)
160 / 300
Almost Little Red Riding Hood (Katharina Witt)
60 / 80
Black and white (Michael Jackson)
40 / 60
In absence (Joseph Beuys)
24 / 18
The parasol (Pablo Picasso II)
25 / 30
Infinite blue (John F. Kennedy I)
120 / 100
Dive (Maria Callas)
120 x 100
Ice drift (Muhammad Ali)
150 / 130
Black World (Louis Armstrong)
130 / 100
The wall (Aretha Franklin)
140 / 100
In the orbit (Freddy Mercury I)
90 / 70
Street fight (Muhammad Ali II)
100 / 80
The red frame (Freddy Mercury)
100 / 70
Pompei (David Gilmour)
100 / 120
Cool Figure (Elvis Presley)
40 / 50
The peak (Michael Jordan)
160 / 100
Served (Franziskus und Lazarus)
200 / 300
Sound of the Deep (Herbert von Karajan)
120 / 100